Evaluation Question 2

Thursday, 1 April 2010 15:53 Posted by Abigail
2)  How does your media product represent particular social groups?

 Social groups are a very important part of today’s society however our product does not really represent a range of social groups. There are three characters in our opening however we chose to focus on two of these characters as we don’t reveal the identity of the antagonist. In terms of class, our main character is from a middle class background as she is dressed in fashionable clothes and acts in a manner which shows that she’s not from a working class background. Our product also represents the working class through the location we used. For example the living room features typical things found in the homes of working class people such as the television which is simple and not grand.

 Also gender is represented in our product in a stereotypical way as in most thrillers the female plays the passive role and the male plays the dominant role. We chose to follow this convention as our audience would be able to recognise this. Also Melinda, our second antagonist is a female we did this as we wanted to challenge the codes and conventions of a typical thriller. In a thriller the typical stereotype for Melinda would be an older, evil looking woman, but in our film we went against that stereotype and chose a black young adult with an innocent face. We did this as the audience would be shocked and would possibly alter their views on the characters featured in our thriller. A thriller which influenced our film is ‘Taken’ as in the film Kim is a victim similar to Jessica who is kidnapped.

 Above are two images of girls placed side by side in order for me to compare them. The key character from our opening which I have chosen to compare to a character in a movie is Jessica Brown. The reason why I chose Jessica is because she depicts a scared, nervous character. I decided to compare her with Maggie Grace, who plays Kim a kidnapped girl in the film ‘Taken’. I have chosen to compare Kim to Jessica as although the two films may have different storylines, they share some similarities.

 Jessica Brown is the daughter of a rich business man; the story unfolds later on in the rest of the film. Jessica is seen running from a hooded figure which makes the audience feel sympathy for her. She knocks on a door of a friendly looking woman and asks for help. However what she doesn’t know is that the young woman who promises to help her is actually part of the scheme to kidnap her. Jessica is a strong character and fights her way through the troubles which face her. As the audience watch the opening sequence it becomes apparent that Jessica has walked into a trap and the audience are put into suspense as enigmas are introduced such as ‘what’s going to happen to Jessica?’ this will motivate our audience into wanting to watch the rest of our film to find out.

 Kim’s character is quiet similar to Jessica’s, she’s the daughter of a decorated and highly-skilled CIA officer and is also an only child. She travels to France with her friend and gets kidnapped. Kim is about the same age as Jessica so there may be teenagers or young adults interested in the film. However there are some differences in the two storylines. In ‘Taken’ Kim gets kidnapped for drugs and prostitution but in our story Jessica is taken because of revenge and the antagonists wants Jessica’s father to pay some money in exchange for Jessica. People will sympathise for Jessica’s character as she seems innocent and hasn’t done anything wrong. I don’t think people will feel as sorry for Kim’s character as she lied to her parents about where she was going to live.

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