Evaluation Question 6

Thursday, 1 April 2010 11:44 Posted by Abigail
6)  What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

 Over the past few months of filming our opening, the use of technology has made it easier for us to produce a film. We used software such as Final cut pro when editing our media product; it made it easier to edit film clips and to edit a sequence of events. We included sound, titles, special effects and transitions to put everything together. As I was assigned the role of camera operator I had to familiarise myself with the video camera and the tripod, At first I found it quite difficult as every time we moved the tripod we had to ensure that the bubble was in the middle and that the tripod was on even ground. These equipments were very important in the production of our opening sequence. The director and I assisted the editor in editing as we all had to decide which shots we thought would be good for our opening.

 Looking back on our preliminary task I feel we have improved a lot when it comes to filming and editing a sequence. My understanding of certain aspects of filming has improved drastically as before I didn’t understand the terms used in filming such as match on action and shot reverse shot. I learnt the importance of planning our media product and the methods such as storyboards, treatment, scripts and synopsis. Without these things we would not have been able to achieve our final media product.

Things I've learnt about filming:

• Mainly I learnt how important lighting is when trying to shoot a thriller. When we were filming the exterior scenes we had a few problems with the lighting as there was too much light being reflected on the camera lens. We had to ensure that we had the perfect lighting to create the right atmosphere for a thriller.
• We realised that it’s not always possible to stick to the storyboard, we decided to be creative with our shots and we shot scenes from different angles in order for us to have a lot of frames to choose from when editing.
• Making sure the weather was right when shooting was very important as there were days where it would rain and it wasn’t possible for us to film.
• Communication was important when shooting as we had to inform our cast on the dates we would be filming. Without communication we wouldn’t know what’s going on and things would be disorganised.

Technologies we used:

Blogger:- We used this website to upload our cousework and all the different stages such as planning, research and the production. This website as been extremely useful as without it we wouldnt be able to access our work.

You tube: - This is a video sharing website on which users can upload and share videos. It helped us to upload our preliminary task and our opening sequence. It was also useful as we were able to get a view of what people thought of our work, this helped us make some improvements to our product.

Photoshop CS2: - Adobe Photoshop, or simply Photoshop, is a graphics editing program developed and published by Adobe Systems. This software helped me to create a logo for our production., I found it fairly easy to design our logo as I had some experience with this software in the past.

Face book:- Facebook is a social networking website that is operated and privately owned by Facebook, Inc. We created a fan group on this social networking site to get more people to watch our sequence and to recieve feedback.

Scribed:- This is the largest social publishing and reading site in the world. We used this website to upload some of our work onto our blog. It also gives the document a much more professional look.

Soundcloud:- SoundCloud lets you move music fast & easy. The platform takes the daily hassle out of receiving, sending & distributing music for artists, record labels & other music professionals.

Final Cut Pro:- Final Cut Pro is a professional non-linear editing software application developed by Apple Inc. We used this software to edit our thriller opening sequence, this was one of the key softwares used in the production of our sequence.

Yahoo account:- This is our youtube account, we needed to create this in order for us to sign up to websites such as Blogger and Youtube.

Bubble.us:- This website helped us to create our brainstorm.

Google:- We used this website a lot when we had to do research, this website helped us to find information on thriller conventions and camera shots.

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